Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It just.....won't go away....

It's like that old stray dog or cat ..........just keeps hanging around. Like the out of town visitor who never leaves........Like that summer cold, you can't seem to shake. Like that Energizer bunny.......on and on.....and on.

This Brett Favre story is quickly becoming all of the above.

First, he retires..............Then un-retires..........Then asks the Green Bay Packers for an unconditional release. (Which of course they denied).

I'm so tired of Favre.......and the story.

Note to Brett,

"You've had a brilliant career, a Super Bowl ring, MVP years.........move on. Don't be another star professional athlete who didn't know when to quit. You know, Boxers like Muhammad Ali and Joe Louis...........Baseball players like Willie Mays and Ernie Banks.....Basketball's Micheal Jordan and Patrick Ewing......And your own sport 's Joe Namath and Emmitt Smith..........just to name a few .....on a long list.

You've thrilled us........dazzled us..........amazed us. We thank you. Now go....please........
and take the story with you."


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