Thursday, December 30, 2010

All About the ..."Benjamins"

Money talks...especially in big time college football.   These bottom line profits would make a lot of  CEO's ....of major corporations ...envious.

Their secret?   Payroll.......are lack there of.   The 17 - 21 year olds bringing in all that cash.....get none ...

More hypocrisy......from the men in suits....who run these colleges and the NCAA.

Here's the top 5 ....

Courtesy of ....The Huffington Post:


University of Texas

Total Revenue: $93,942,815
Total Profit: $68,830,484
University of Georgia

Revenue: $70,838,539
Profit: $52,529,885
Penn State

Revenue: $70,208,584
Profit: $50,427,645
University of Michigan

Revenue: $63,189,417
Profit: $44,861,184
University of Florida

Revenue: $68,715,750
Profit: $44,258,193
See the entire list:

The Most Profitable College Football Teams



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