Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hump Day.....News & Views

I sure hope that 1/2"  of predicted show......misses the ATL.   The city would shut down.

You should have seen the grocery stores this afternoon.....Entire aisles of milk and bread...empty!'s another "Hump Day".

"Stuff"......we're following:

Advise to Vick,  "Shut up"!!!!   You haven't gotten to the point yet....where you can even say the word    "dog":

Michael Vick Dog
Vick: 'I Would Love To Get Another Dog'
This kid.......just a problem child:
Desoto Basketball Player Referee

WATCH: High School Basketball Player Attacks Referee 


Same story......different team:

Terrell Owens Blames Coaches

T.O. Blames Bengals Coaches


Happy Trails......"Superman":

Dwight Howard Dunk Contest

NBA Star DONE With Dunk Contest


Stay warm and have a great "Hump Day"!


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