Friday, December 24, 2010

What's wrong with this picture?

I'm a college athlete....a football player.  I have earned many trophies, rings, plaques....I have received many gifts.

These things...I thought ......were mine.   And being mine....I can do with...what I please.

So ...I sell some of my things.....for money and other services.

But the NCAA says, "That's a violation".   They suspend me for 5 games....the first 5 games of next season.....but wait....

They're  letting me play in a bowl game in 2 weeks.  They've got to get their money.  And these to see me play.

Greed......good for the NCAA.......bad for me.....the college athlete.

From the Columbus  Dispatch:

Julie Posey said the NCAA — not her son and not Ohio State — is the real guilty party. | Story

Ohio State
pays the price

NCAA suspends four stars, two reserves for selling memorabilia, getting discounts

Dec. 24, 2010
The Columbus Dispatch
Ohio State will be whole for the Sugar Bowl, but its prospects for the 2011 season now are in question after the NCAA suspended quarterback Terrelle Pryor and five other players yesterday.



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