Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hump Day.....News & Views

Can we get over the hump?


There........there....we made it.

Now........"stuff"   we're following......for you:

Urban.....really?   Didn't we go through this ....last year?

Urban Meyer Stepping Down Resigning
GONE: Florida Football Coach Unexpectedly Resigns
54,000 pages of evidence?   Roger,  you are so.......screwed:
Roger Clemens Trial Delayed

Roger Clemens Trial Delayed 3 Months


Fat Albert?......just doesn't get it.

Albert Haynesworth Suspended

Albert Haynesworth SUSPENDED


Good for you........Iron Mike!

Mike Tyson Boxing Hall Of Fame

2011 Boxing Hall Of Fame Class Announced


Don't look now.....But somebody's ..."heating" up:

Miami Heat Fifth Straight Win

Miami Wins 5th Straight Game


Our prayers........are with....the "Queen of Soul":

Aretha Franklin
Aretha Franklin Has Cancer
Thanks to our friends at the Huffington Post....for the headlines....
Have a great ....."Hump Day"! 



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