Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hump Day.....News & Views

Wednesdays......sure seem to get here in a hurry.

Has it been 7 days?

Hump Day once again.

Some "things"........we're following:

Let's see what Sir saying:

Charles Barkley Carmelo Trade
Barkley Weighs In On Melo Trade
Young,  Black & Stupid........once again:
Alexis Wangmene Arrested

Suspended Basketball Player Charged With DWI


Cam........loves "him".......some "him":

Cam Newton Entertainer Icon



There is ....."jail-time"  in your future:

Barry Bonds More Evidence

More Evidence Submitted In Barry Bonds Trial


A mere......"Slap on the wrist"?   Even less....This is a "tap on the pinky":

Jim Calhoun Suspended

UConn Coach Punished For Recruiting Violations


What's up with our girl?

Serena Williams Nike Clash Of Champions

Serena Williams Withdraws Again


Well........let's  hope so!   Life without the NFL?

Charlie Batch Nfl Labor Negotiations

'Things Are Going Well Right Now'


Have a great Hump Day!!!


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