Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hump Day.....News & Views

No no.....not again!   

This small,  college,  southern town is gearing up for...yet another "wintry mix". 

Enough already!

Spring can't come soon enough....We're tired of you...Mr. Winter.

It is a "Hump Day" here's some "stuff"....we're following......for you:

We absolutely.....don't care!

Eliza Kruger Mark Sanchez

Mark Sanchez's Alleged Relationship With 17-Year-Old Girl: Do You Care?


Somebody's got to pay:

Fans Sue Super Bowl Seat Issue

Super Bowl Lawsuit: Fans Sue Over Seat Issue


Sure Tiger.......We'll believe it .....when and win again:


Tiger Win Championships

Tiger: I Can Still Win Golf Tournaments

 A-Rod continues to be a whinny little punk:
Alex Rodriguez Ballistic

Report: A-Rod 'Ballistic' Over Popcorn Video


"'s the key to the city........Ooops ...My bad.....give it back":

Michael Vick Tom Leppert Dallas

Michael Vick Gets Key To City; Mayor Locks Him Out getting what they deserved....for bashing LeBron:

Cavs Mavericks

New Rock Bottom


Have a great "Hump Day"!!!!!!!



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