Friday, February 4, 2011

A "Super " Mess

They.......meaning the sports media and talking heads were not so nice to the city of Atlanta when 2 inches of ice nearly ruined the party back in 1999.

Fast forward to this year......Super Bowl Dallas.

Over 5 inches of snow and ice........roads hazardous.....sheets of ice sliding off the stadium roof injuring several.

Where are......"They"

Send the Super Bowls back to Miami,  Phoenix,  New Orleans......or Los Angeles....or ....

We'll get more of this:

Falling ice at Super Bowl stadium sends 7 to hospital

Dallas stunned by 5 inches of snow; hundreds of flights canceled ahead of game

Seven people were hurt Friday when ice fell off the side of Cowboys Stadium outside Dallas where Sunday's Super Bowl game will be played, the NFL said. The accident followed a storm that dumped 5 inches of snow on roads and runways, complicating Super Bowl travel plans. 

The seven people, reportedly workers preparing for the game, were taken to area hospitals. One was initially reported in critical condition but later said to be stable with a head injury. The other injuries were described as minor.

Image: A man is brought to his feet after getting hit by ice that fell from the roof of Cowboys Stadium
Win McNamee  /  Getty Images
A man is brought to his feet after getting hit by ice that fell from the roof of Cowboys Stadium Friday.


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