Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl history.

The National Anthem was butchered.......but sung with heart.

The Half -time show......was entertaining and high tech.

The commercials?   Some were cute.  Some were funny.....But the price tag?  No company got their money's worth.

Winners?  Obviously the Green Bay Packers....

Losers?   No one lost.....The Pittsburgh Steelers  played a hell of a game.

And for us fans?

We will now go through withdrawal pains......until the fall....No more football!

From the week-end......things we learned:

This bowl didn't get.....near the coverage we demanded:

Lingerie Bowl 2011
Lingerie Bowl 2011: Gorgeous Women Leave It All Out On The Field
We congratulate the Packers:
Packers Super Bowl Champions



Somebody has to win.....somebody has to lose.....Hold your head up...Big Ben:

Ben Roethlisberger Super Bowl

'I Let A Lot Of People Down'


Singing in front of 100,000.....isn't that easy:

Christina Aguilera

WATCH: Christina Aguilera Totally Messes Up National Anthem


We forgot this was on:

Obama Oreilly Interview

Obama, O'Reilly Interview: Super Bowl Sit-Down Between President & Fox News Host


This is what we watched.....And apparently....most of the world:

Super Bowl

Super Bowl Ratings Are In


Thought so! 


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